Antoon van Dyck

Antoon van Dyck (Antwerpen, 22 maart 1599 – Londen, 9 december 1641); 

Baroque painter from the Antwerp School. 

Also referred to as Anthonis, Anthonie, Anton or Anthony. 

Pupil of Peter Paul Rubens in Antwerp. Gone to England in 1620 and

in 1621 to Italy for 6 years where he studied the Italian masters. 

There he laid the basis for his successful career as a portrait painter. 

Returned back to Antwerp in 1627. 

King Charles I of England appointed him in March 1632 to "Principalle Paynter in ordinary to their Majesties". 

There paints portraits of Charles I, Queen Henrietta, princes and princesses, of himself, 

his mistress Margaret Lemon and of many others, perhaps  including Drebbel Cornelis. 

In July 1632 he was knighted; "Sir" Anthony Van Dyck died in London in 1641, 

and is buried in St Paul's Cathedral.

(bron o.a. Wikipedia, Van Onna Drebboloog te Bergen nh)

Portrait of Cornelis Jacobszn. Drebbel (??) 1572 Alkmaar - London 1633                                                          

Painted in Londen around 1632-33 by Antoon van Dijck

The Hermitage, St. Petersburg

Cornelis Drebbel's portrait ?

Indications: good resemblance with etched portraits of Drebbel, 

The scarlet red background and red table cloth. 

in London around 1607 Drebbel developed a new, greatly improved scarlet-red color; 

he owned a dyeing company in Stratford-Bow. 

Van Dijck probably knew Drebbel through Balthasar Gerbier, with whom Drebbel

worked at the Court in London and Rubens, who met Drebbel in 1628 in London.