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 YearLanguagePublished in
1941 Groote Alkmaarders1941DutchAlkmaar
1942 (1629) Abram Booth London.pdf1942DutchDen Haag
1943-6-29 Naber Monconys1943Dutch
1955 colie article.pdf1955English
1977 van Spronsen Oxygen1977English
1979 Oud Alkmaar1979DutchAlkmaar
1986 Koningsweg1986DutchAlkmaar
1988 Drebbel kanttekeningen1988Dutch
1988 School in Alkmaar1988DutchAlkmaar
1989 Drebbel volmaakte rood1989Dutch
1990 Eltham.pdf1990DutchLondon
1991 Drebbel Shakesperean article.pdf1991EnglishOregon
1991 Drebbel in Engeland1991Dutch
1992 Een saluut aan Dr. Naber1992Dutch
1997 Oxygen Sendevogius Artikel1997English
1997 van Onna Praag.pdf1997Dutch
1998 Drebbel expo Tekst Platen.pdf1998DutchAlkmaar
1998 Kloeck verstant.pdf1998DutchAlkmaar
1999 Sample text for Absolute zero and the conquest of cold1999English
2000+- Tekenverhalen2000+-English-Dutch
2002 The Calvinist Copernicans R Vermij2002EnglishAmsterdam
2004 Hill and Dronsfield Oxygen2004English
2004 sci and pat.pdf2004English
2006 Going through the Motions2006EnglishLondon
2006 Going through the Motions NL2006Dutch
2006 Oxygen What it takes to get a breath of fresh air2006English
2007 Bradburne Hero+Caus5 OK highlighted2007EnglishFirenze
2007 Bradburne Hero+Caus5 OK.pdf2007EnglishFirenze
2007 Lansbergen by R Vermij2007EnglishFirenze
2007 Young- A letter from Michael Sendivogius to Vincenzo II Gonzaga2007English
2008 Het Volmaakte Rood.pdf2008DutchAlkmaar
2009 Bradburne 15x11.pdf2009EnglishFirenze
2009 Dissertation-includ figs Sept 09.pdf2009English
2009 Drebbel in Russia2009Russian-EnglishRussia
2009 Drebbels Instrumenten2009Dutch
2009 Perfect Red sept 15 HvO2009English
2010 21 12 Keller summary.pdf2010English-Dutch
2010 Duikboot G Peeters2010Dutch
2010 Postzegel2010Dutch
2010 Zbigniew Herbert2010English
2011 Drebbel Woonhuizen in Alkmaar.pdf2011DutchAlkmaar
2013 Drebbels Athanor.pdf2013English
2015 Perpetuum Mobile FF2015English
2017 Drebbel wandeling2017Dutch
2017 Oud Hoorn2017Dutch
Biografie NL2016Dutch
Biography EN2016English
Drebbel wandeling Archief2013Dutch